Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Grade Funnies

Me: I was thinking I would make us some bead bracelets to put our leadership tags on. (Kids get excited). But it will probably be awhile before I get them done.

Kids: Awww! Why???

Me: I have a lot of stuff I have to do and I had a meeting today so I didn’t get much done yet.

Girl: But you could do it tonight!

Me: Oh, but I have to get a haircut tonight!

Kids burst out laughing.

Boy: A haircut?!? How do girls get haircuts?


Me: Ok, (girl), you are done with this test! I won’t have to call you back until we start the other tests.

Girl: Awww, I don’t want to take more tests. I don’t like tests.

Me: I know, me either. But you live in (city), so we have to take lots of tests.

Girl: I don’t want to live in (city). I want to live at the North Pole!!!


Girl: Ms. Teacher can you come to my house?

Me: Ummm…I’m sorry, but I can’t…

Girl: But you could come spend the night. It’s the blue house. Its blue and its by the sign that says (city)…..


Girl: Ms. Smith, my honey bought a chicken-wa-wa!

Me: A chi…what’s a….wait, your honey? Who’s your honey?

Girl: You know….my….he’s my dad.

Me: Oh…your dad….he bought a what?

Girl: A chicken-wa-wa!

Me: What is that?

Girl: You know one of those little dogs?

Me: Ohhhhhhh! A Chihuahua?

Girl: Yeah.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Quiz time!

After reading a story about two kids camping in the woods who see a bat fly by, students are expected to answer this question.

Why shouldn’t people be afraid of bats?

A few answers I got:

Because they are tiny creatures.

Because they are just something you hit stuff with.

Because if you are afraid of them they will bite you.